If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, you should file a workers’ compensation claim.
The workers’ comp claim covers the cost of the treatment needed and provides financial help, especially if you’re unable to return to work for a long time.
However, your workers’ comp claim needs to be first approved. If the claim is rejected, you can appeal.But during that period, you have to pay your medical bills. If you’re not able to work, you won’t be getting any wages during the appeals process.
The most common reason claims are denied is incomplete or incorrect paperwork. The workers’ comp claim forms can be complex, and you may have never filed such a claim before. The entire process may not only overwhelm you but also end in your claim being rejected. This means you need to have someone, who understands the forms and the law, by your side.
You should know exactly when your workers’ comp claim needs to be filed and what documentation needs to accompany it. If you miss your deadline, your claim may be rejected right away. An experienced attorney can help you understand what you need to file and by when.
With your application, you need to submit information from your doctors, witnesses, and other information. If you miss signing some documents, it can delay the process or get your claim dismissed.
Working with an experienced workers’ comp attorney can help you navigate the law and help you with everything from your claim to the paperwork and appeals.
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