Injuries that may occur on the Job

Arizona Injury Law Group

No one is ever prepared to get injured on the job or that it could happen to you. But if it does, you should be prepared to take the right steps for your treatment, recovery and workers’ comp claim. Here is information about a few common injuries that occur at the workplace so that you can try to avoid them.


Slips and falls are a common reason for workers’ compensation claims. Such accidents can occur due to wet or slippery surfaces that don’t have the proper warnings, or while you react, trying to avoid an obstacle in the way.


Many jobs require repetitive motions which can injure your soft tissues, such as ligaments, muscles and cartilage. If your job involves such actions, be sure you stretch out and take a break every half an hour or so.


Falling objects falling can cause very serious injuries, and if a misplaced object falls on you, you should immediately seek a workers’ compensation doctor. Neck and back injuries are common in such accidents, especially at construction sites.


If driving is a job-related activity for you, a car accident is a potential risk for injury. If the accident is no fault of your own, ensure that you seek the care of a workers’ comp doctor and get the treatment and compensation that you deserve. your time and make sure you go through the process of recovery as the doctor orders.


Machines are used at many workplaces, and getting entangled in them can cause serious injury to your body. If this is the case, a workers’ compensation doctor can help you through recovery while a workers comp attorney can guide you through the claims.

To consult the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona, call Arizona Injury Law Group at 602-346-9009. Arizona Injury Law Group PLLC offers workers’ compensation attorneys who help injured workers seek benefits and justice and a voice standing up for you!

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