As the Spouse of an Injured Arizona Worker in a Coma, What Do You Do Next?

Arizona Injury Law Group

In a situation where a working spouse is injured on the job and is in a coma because of those injuries, having your personal legal paperwork in order becomes essential. The most important piece of paper is the power of attorney which names a person, such as a spouse, as the person who handles financial bills, healthcare directives, and other necessary details.

When Injury Leads to Coma

Injuries can be so severe that a person goes into a coma. In other circumstances, a medically-induced coma must be applied to help a person with the initial recovery stage. If an Arizona worker is injured on the job and goes into a coma, or a coma is imposed for medical reasons, then there must be someone to take over personal and financial affairs to keep things going.

Consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If your husband or wife is in a coma, due to work-related injuries, consult with a workers’ compensation attorney at once. The issue here is how to file a claim on behalf of the injured worker who is incapacitated but needs ongoing help to recover in the best way possible.

As a spouse, you would be the first in line to have the right to file a claim. It helps, however, if you have the correct legal paperwork in place to take over every aspect of your spouse’s life.

You will also need financial help to make up for the loss of your spouse’s wages, as well as taking over any personal medical insurance coverage for the family that you and any underaged children need. A workers’ compensation attorney can help you with all the steps needed for getting a doctor’s assessment, getting statements from other workers about the accident, filing a claim, and getting the expert medical help that your spouse will need for recovery.

When the Unexpected Disaster Happens

Accidents happen suddenly and, sometimes, brutally. No one wants to have an accident that may be life-changing, with an outcome of permanent injury and disability. The nightmare is when, through such a tragedy, one also loses a home, a job, and health insurance because of it.

Arizona State Legislator Jennifer Longdon is one such survivor of a permanent injury sustained during a random shooting in 2004. While this event was not work-related, the outcome she experienced is typical of many who suffer such tragedies leading to permanent disability.

Longdon was elected to her position in the recent 2018 election and plans to address these issues that those with sudden permanent disabilities often experience. As only one of two full-time permanently injured legislators in the nation who use wheelchairs daily, she is now in a perfect position to help others, as stated in a recent 2019 Forbes article by Sarah Kim. Another current permanently disabled legislator in the United States is Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Help Yourself First

Start out with drawing up all your necessary legal paperwork before the worst happens, so that you and your family members are always protected. You will need an estate planning attorney for this. If your spouse has been injured in a work-related accident, call us at once for a consultation. 602-346-9009

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