Author Archives: Briana E. Chua

Articles by: Briana E. Chua
Arizona Injury Law Group
The 5 Biggest Myths about Arizona Workers’ Compensation

Getting workers’ compensation for injury sustained during work has its own range of complexities. This…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Injury Compensation for Independent Contractors in Arizona

Nowadays, more and more employers are choosing to classify people who work for them as…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Workers’ Compensation and Third Party Claims in Arizona

Most people think that the only parties involved in a workers’ compensation claim are the…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
The Duties of Your Arizona Employer under OSHA

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), a number of responsibilities have been assigned…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Understanding the Types of Work Injury Claims in Arizona

Workers compensation law in the United States is quite disparate in that while the essence…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Getting Compensation in Arizona for Job-Related Illnesses

Most of the attention in cases of workers’ compensation is given to traumatic one-time accidents. …

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Possible Defenses to Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ compensation is a “no fault” kind of insurance, but there are still a number…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Briana Chua Becomes Chair of the MCBA Lawyer Referral Service

As a highly respected Arizona workers’ compensation attorney, Briana Chua is very active in the…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
5 Notices You May Get From Your Employer and How to Handle Them

When you file a claim for injury compensation, the process that will be initiated will…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
6 Mistakes to Avoid in your Workers’ Compensation Claim

There are hazards associated with all kinds of work. Thankfully, you can generally recover compensation…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Choosing a Doctor When You’re Hurt on the Job

In the state of Arizona, you have the right to choose a doctor of your…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Compensations and Benefits You May Be Entitled To

If you have suffered an injury or have developed a medical condition as a result…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What Contributory Negligence/Comparative Negligence Is and Why

It Matters Whenever a person sustains an injury due to the act of another person,…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What Happens at a Workers’ Compensation Hearing?

For a lot of people, the workers’ compensation hearing is their first encounter with the…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What is a Final Supportive Care Settlement?

Getting injured at work would give you the right to file a workers’ compensation claim.…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
50 Ways for Your Arizona Workers’ Compensation Claim to Be Denied (and what to do about it).

Posted by Weston Montrose After filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits with the Industrial…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What Not Hiring a Workers Compensation Attorney Might Cost You?

When it comes to hiring an attorney, whether for workers’ compensation cases or any other…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What to Do After an Injury at Work

In the unfortunate event that you are involved in an accident at your workplace or…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Arizona Injury Workers and Wage Loss Benefits

Arizona Injured workers can still claim wage loss benefits even after receiving a “full duty”…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Your Rights as an Employee under OSHA

It was in recognition of the fact that workplaces can be dangerous, depending on the…

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