Author Archives: Briana E. Chua

Articles by: Briana E. Chua
Arizona Injury Law Group
Anatomy of an Arizona Workers’ Compensation Claim, Installment One

ARIZONA WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIM FLOW CHART This flow chart is intended to provide a broad…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Arizona Workers’ Compensation Law –Disputed Benefits Claims

Arizona Workers’ Compensation Law – Disputed benefits claims are complicated. Montrose & Chua, workers’ comp…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Immigration Status and Obtaining Arizona Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Your immigration status does not prohibit you from obtaining obtain workers’ compensation benefits in the…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Arizona Workers’ Compensation Law – Filing a Viable Claim

Arizona Workers’ Compensation Law – Filing a viable claim enables worker access to benefits. Montrose…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Arizona Workers’ Compensation Law – 10 Common Worker Accidents

Montrose & Chua, Phoenix workers’ comp attorneys, examine typical work-related accidents. 10 COMMON ARIZONA WORKERS’…

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