Author Archives: Briana E. Chua

Articles by: Briana E. Chua
Arizona Injury Law Group
3 Errors that may cost you Work Comp Benefits

If you have suffered an injury or illness at work, a workers’ compensation claim may…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Announced Recent Changes in Policy, Payments, and Quality Provision

CONVERSION FACTOR FOR REIMBURSEMENT RATES DROPS NEARLY $4 The conversion factor that calculates reimbursement rates…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
North American Meat Institute and OSHA Form Alliance In Battle Against COVID-19

FOOD PROCESSING IS AN ESSENTIAL JOB While all food processing jobs are essential during the…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Our Aging Workforce: Many Staying at Work Beyond Suggested Retirement Age

WORKING BEYOND 66.2 YEARS OF AGE As workers age, many still prefer to stay on…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Workers’ Compensation and your Tax Return

Employees who get injured on the job may be entitled to and receive workers’ compensation…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Accidents Can Happen Any Time, Any Place: Staying Safe on the Job

FOLLOWING SAFETY REGULATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL On Monday, September 28th, 2020, at 7:45 a.m., an explosion…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
How Neck Injuries Can Affect Your Job

It is easy to think that having a neck strain where you cannot turn your…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Arizona’s Special Fund: When Workers’ Compensation Can’t Help

All employers in Arizona are obligated to provide workers’ compensation benefits to their employees. As…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Does Arizona Workers’ Compensation Pay for On-the-Job Knee Injuries?

Yes, Arizona’s workers’ compensation insurance does pay for knee injuries that occur on the job.…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Taking Your Temperature and Wearing Masks at Work

Arizona is still going through problems with re-opening certain businesses. But if you are one…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Funny or Unusual Workers’ Compensations Stories Seen on the Internet

Workers’ compensation insurance and claims are serious business. For this post, we chose to look…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Top OSHA Construction Violations That impact Workers’ Compensation Insurance Claims

Construction worksites are a dangerous place to be even when safety precautions are in place.…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Working at Meat Processing Plants Can be Hazardous to Your Health

Working at a meat processing plant can be hazardous when you consider the numerous ways…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
3 reasons why filling your own Workers’ Comp Paperwork may not be a good idea?

If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, you should file…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
When Are Worker’s Family Members Considered Dependents and When Are They Not?

A recent story out of Kansas City, Missouri, calls into question as to when family…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What Should I Know About Arizona’s Whistleblower Program?

Life is not fair, and life is not easy. Occasionally, someone in business, whether it…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
OSHA’s Latest COVID-19 Guidelines for Businesses Nationwide

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a guide called “Ten Steps All Workplaces…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Working from Home versus Hiring Contract Labor During COVID-19

When COVID-19 hit the United States, many businesses, other than essential industries, had to close…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Keeping the Workplace Ready to Help with Medical Disasters: When Minutes Count Towards Staying Alive

Many of us would like to eat healthier, do more exercise, quit smoking (a must!),…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Regreso al trabajo después del COVID-19: Cómo lidiar con la tensión y la violencia

Mientras que las empresas comienzan a abrirse de nuevo, paso a paso y otras permanecen…

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