One of the biggest concerns for those who administer the Arizona workers’ compensation system for insurance providers and employers is fraud. In the U.S. insurance fraud costs providers, the government, employers, and taxpayers $100 billion per year. It’s estimated that 10% of all insurance claims are fraudulent. That being the case, insurers, the Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA), the Arizona Department of Insurance (ADOI) Fraud Unit, and prosecutors are all concerned about workers’ compensation fraud.
If you have been injured in a workplace accident or if you have suffered a work-related illness, you have the right to receive certain benefits, including compensation for medical and rehabilitation expenses as well as for time lost at work. If you have a viable claim, you want to make sure that you follow all necessary steps in a proper manner to ensure that you are able to receive the benefits you deserve. You also need to ensure that the information you provide concerning your accident is accurate.
Here are 10 common signs of Arizona workers’ compensation fraud by employees. Obviously, if you have been injured, then you have every right to file a claim. However, the situations below may trigger greater scrutiny due to their nature and connection to fraud.
The fact is you may indeed have a real injury and your claim may be authentic, but any of the above situations can cast doubt on your Arizona workers’ compensation case. Here are five things that you can do that can help keep suspicion of fraud to a minimum.
If you have a valid workers’ compensation claim, you have every right to secure the benefits that you deserve. Although it is not necessary to work with a lawyer, depending upon your situation, it may be a good idea to do so. If you have questions or concerns about your Arizona workers’ compensation claim, please contact Montrose & Chua, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, by calling 602-346-9009. We’ll be happy to meet with you for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Call Immediately For A Free, No Obligation Consultation And Let Us Help You Put Your Life Back On Track. Let Us Help You
Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!