Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation
Arizona Injury Law Group
Keeping Yourself Healthy While Working at Home Remotely

If you have been remotely working at home over the last five months and your…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Musculoskeletal Long-Term Injuries Are on the Rise Protect Yourself so You Can Live a Longer Better Life

Musculoskeletal injuries are on the rise by 40 percent since 2010, according to a news…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
The Mask: Should You Wear One or Not? Can Your Workers’ Compensation Claim be Denied if You Contract COVID-19?

CDC’S RECOMMENDATIONS The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you wear a mask…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
The Importance of Checking Your Medical Records for Correct Coding and Description

CHECKING FOR FALSE CODING IN YOUR MEDICAL BILLS A recent case of false coding over…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Are Your Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation When Working a Riot?

DANGEROUS WORKPLACE SITUATIONS Our lives are not getting any safer these days and you must…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Hantavirus and Arizona Workers’ Compensation Insurance

WHAT IS HANTAVIRUS? Be careful if you ever run across an infestation of mice or…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Traumatic Brain Injuries Easier to Detect with Blood Protein Test Validates Workers’ Compensation Benefits

BRAIN INJURIES COMMON DURING SEVERE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Brain injuries are common in severe vehicle accidents,…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Telemedicine a Success During COVID-19: Portable Doctor’s Licensing an Issue to be Solved

TELEMEDICINE BECOMES A LIFE-SAVING VENTURE When COVID-19 concerns shut down a whole nation, starting in…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
The Impact of COVID-19 on Workers’ Compensation: What Does This Mean for You?

WORKING IN A TOUGH YEAR Arizona’s Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA) put out a substantive…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
When Employer Insurance Companies Say “No” to COVID-19 Workers’ Compensation Claims

THE BATTLE BEGINS The battle for COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims to be approved has already…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Medicare Set Aside Accounts (MSAs): History and Relationship to Workers’ Compensation Insurance

HISTORY OF THE MEDICARE SET ASIDE ACCOUNT If you are litigating a workers’ compensation case…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Can You be Financially Stable While Contesting a Denied Workers’ Compensation Claim?

DENIED CLAIMS AND FINANCIAL STABILITY In 2019, 6,000 workers’ compensation claims were denied out of…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Can You be Financially Stable While Contesting a Denied Workers’ Compensation Claim?

DENIED CLAIMS AND FINANCIAL STABILITY In 2019, 6,000 workers’ compensation claims were denied out of…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Announced Recent Changes in Policy, Payments, and Quality Provision

CONVERSION FACTOR FOR REIMBURSEMENT RATES DROPS NEARLY $4 The conversion factor that calculates reimbursement rates…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
North American Meat Institute and OSHA Form Alliance In Battle Against COVID-19

FOOD PROCESSING IS AN ESSENTIAL JOB While all food processing jobs are essential during the…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Our Aging Workforce: Many Staying at Work Beyond Suggested Retirement Age

WORKING BEYOND 66.2 YEARS OF AGE As workers age, many still prefer to stay on…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Accidents Can Happen Any Time, Any Place: Staying Safe on the Job

FOLLOWING SAFETY REGULATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL On Monday, September 28th, 2020, at 7:45 a.m., an explosion…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
How Neck Injuries Can Affect Your Job

It is easy to think that having a neck strain where you cannot turn your…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Arizona’s Special Fund: When Workers’ Compensation Can’t Help

All employers in Arizona are obligated to provide workers’ compensation benefits to their employees. As…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Does Arizona Workers’ Compensation Pay for On-the-Job Knee Injuries?

Yes, Arizona’s workers’ compensation insurance does pay for knee injuries that occur on the job.…

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Get Help Today

Call Immediately For A Free, No Obligation Consultation And Let Us Help You Put Your Life Back On Track. Let Us Help You
Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!