Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation
Arizona Injury Law Group
Taking Your Temperature and Wearing Masks at Work

Arizona is still going through problems with re-opening certain businesses. But if you are one…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Funny or Unusual Workers’ Compensations Stories Seen on the Internet

Workers’ compensation insurance and claims are serious business. For this post, we chose to look…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Top OSHA Construction Violations That impact Workers’ Compensation Insurance Claims

Construction worksites are a dangerous place to be even when safety precautions are in place.…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Working at Meat Processing Plants Can be Hazardous to Your Health

Working at a meat processing plant can be hazardous when you consider the numerous ways…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
When Are Worker’s Family Members Considered Dependents and When Are They Not?

A recent story out of Kansas City, Missouri, calls into question as to when family…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
What Should I Know About Arizona’s Whistleblower Program?

Life is not fair, and life is not easy. Occasionally, someone in business, whether it…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
OSHA’s Latest COVID-19 Guidelines for Businesses Nationwide

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a guide called “Ten Steps All Workplaces…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Working from Home versus Hiring Contract Labor During COVID-19

When COVID-19 hit the United States, many businesses, other than essential industries, had to close…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Keeping the Workplace Ready to Help with Medical Disasters: When Minutes Count Towards Staying Alive

Many of us would like to eat healthier, do more exercise, quit smoking (a must!),…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Returning to Work Post COVID-19: Dealing with Tension and Violence

While businesses begin opening back up, one step at a time and others remain shut,…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the Arizona Workplace: Not Just for Secretaries

Most people who hear the term “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” immediately associate this painful condition with…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Under Arizona’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance, If Your Doctor Suggests Spinal Fusion Surgery, Must You Do It?

If you have a spine-related injury while working and are now on workers’ compensation insurance…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Can Arizona Workers’ Compensation Benefits and Awards Become Assets in a Divorce?

Most people never consider what would happen to their finances and assets should a marriage…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Latest COVID-19 News for Arizona and How This Affects You

Just when everyone thought that COVID-19 might be ending its long infectious run, it appears…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Working from Home: Do You Love It or Are You Going Crazy?

When COVID-19 impacted our world and caused massive business shutdowns, many were left wondering what…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Always Check Your Workers’ Compensation Medical Records for Errors

Did you know that you are legally entitled to your medical records? If not, start now collecting…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
As an Arizona Worker, if I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim, Can I Still be Fired?

If you were injured in a workplace accident for an Arizona employer and you filed…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Going Back to Work: Protecting Yourself against COVID-19 Contamination

If you have been recalled back to work by your employer, check to see first…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Employer Liability in the Time of COVID-19 and After: What Does This Mean for Arizona Workers?

Just when it seemed that life might be returning to “normal” after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders…

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Arizona Injury Law Group
Receiving Workers’ Compensation and Suing a Third-Party Entity for Damages

Workplace accidents come with many issues attached to the event. Where there is a serious…

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Call Immediately For A Free, No Obligation Consultation And Let Us Help You Put Your Life Back On Track. Let Us Help You
Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!