Foot and ankle injuries covered in an Arizona work-related accident are covered by Arizona Revised…
WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BENEFITS FOR REMOTE WORKERS Remote worker eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits operates the…
STAY ALERT WHILE ON THE JOBSITE You never know what you will face when you…
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the workplace environment. Most workers are now working remotely, from…
CDC’S RECOMMENDATIONS The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you wear a mask…
Nationwide, restaurants and bars were among those first industries hardest hit when shut-down orders went…
If you have been remotely working at home over the last five months and your…
Musculoskeletal injuries are on the rise by 40 percent since 2010, according to a news…
Getting fair compensation after an accident is not easy and getting what you deserve since…
CDC’S RECOMMENDATIONS The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you wear a mask…
CHECKING FOR FALSE CODING IN YOUR MEDICAL BILLS A recent case of false coding over…
A workplace injury cannot only prove debilitating, but also emotionally and financially challenging. It can…
DANGEROUS WORKPLACE SITUATIONS Our lives are not getting any safer these days and you must…
WHAT IS HANTAVIRUS? Be careful if you ever run across an infestation of mice or…
BRAIN INJURIES COMMON DURING SEVERE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Brain injuries are common in severe vehicle accidents,…
A workplace injury or illness is a traumatic experience. It could leave you in physical…
TELEMEDICINE BECOMES A LIFE-SAVING VENTURE When COVID-19 concerns shut down a whole nation, starting in…
WORKING IN A TOUGH YEAR Arizona’s Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA) put out a substantive…
THE BATTLE BEGINS The battle for COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims to be approved has already…
HISTORY OF THE MEDICARE SET ASIDE ACCOUNT If you are litigating a workers’ compensation case…
Call Immediately For A Free, No Obligation Consultation And Let Us Help You Put Your Life Back On Track. Let Us Help You
Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!