What is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) in Arizona?

Arizona Injury Law

If you suffer an injury at work in the state, your employer is likely required to have workers’ compensation insurance that can assist with your recovery. The claim filing process will involve a lot of unfamiliar terminology. For example, what is maximum medical improvement (MMI) in Arizona? This could be one of the most important terms you will encounter in your case, and it is vital to understand what MMI means and how it affects your recovery.

The Arizona Injury Law Group provides client-focused legal counsel for workers’ compensation claims, and we can help you make a clearer sense of the terminology you will encounter as you seek the benefits you legally deserve after an injury at work.

Understanding MMI in Work Injury Cases

When you are hurt while working, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim if the injury is severe enough to require medical treatment and prevent you from working while you recover. You need to notify your employer of the injury right away, and they are required by law to provide you with the materials you need to file your claim. Part of the initial claim filing process will be a medical evaluation.

You can see any doctor if you need emergency treatment, but a workers’ compensation physician must evaluate your condition for the purposes of your claim for benefits. This doctor will assess the severity of your injury and determine the extent and severity of the long-term effects it may have. They will also establish benchmarks for your recovery, including what would qualify as MMI.

The term “MMI” refers to the point at which a victim has recovered as much as is medically possible from their injury. If you suffered a relatively minor and treatable injury at work, MMI would likely mean full recovery and returning to your full earning potential at work. If you suffered any permanent injury, MMI would likely mean recovering as much as you are able to with appropriate treatment and ongoing rehabilitation.

Depending on the extent of the harm you suffered, reaching MMI could take a matter of weeks, months, or years. It’s natural to have lots of questions about the benefits you can secure for a serious injury, how long those benefits last, and whether you need legal representation to secure appropriate compensation from your employer’s insurance carrier.

An injured worker can generally expect their employer’s insurance carrier to pay for all the medical care they need to reach MMI. This usually includes all immediate medical expenses as well as ongoing treatment costs if they need rehabilitative care to reach MMI. It is also possible for controversies to arise between an injured claimant and their employer and/or the employer’s insurance carrier.

The right attorney can make filing your workers’ compensation claim much easier. The team at Arizona Injury Law Group can help secure an appropriate determination of benefits from your employer’s insurance carrier, resolving any disputes you encounter with your claim. Our goal for every client we represent is to help them secure the benefits they need as swiftly as possible after suffering injuries at work.


Q: How Is MMI Measured in Work Injury Cases?

A: In work injury cases, MMI is measured on a scale based on the injured worker’s ability to perform basic motor functions, their level of pain, and various other factors. After any injury at work, a disability rating is assessed by a workers’ compensation doctor, which indicates the victim’s level of impairment. They are considered to have reached MMI once they are able to fully resume their previous duties with no more adverse symptoms from the injury.

Q: What Compensation Can I Claim for a Work Injury in Arizona?

A: The compensation you can claim for a work injury in Arizona typically includes medical expense coverage and disability benefits from your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance policy. The exact value of any work injury claim hinges on the severity of the claimant’s injury, how much medical treatment they require, and whether they will be able to return to work in the future.

Q: What Happens if I’m Permanently Disabled by a Work Injury?

A: If you are permanently disabled by a work injury in the state, you may qualify to receive permanent disability benefits through your employer’s insurance carrier. However, the insurance company may attempt to resolve your claim with a lump sum settlement offer rather than an ongoing disability benefits payment plan. Your workers’ compensation attorney can help determine what type of resolution would be most beneficial to your situation.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Work Injury?

A: The time it could take to recover from a work injury depends on the nature and severity of the work injury. Some injured workers are able to resume their job duties within a few weeks, while others may not recover for months or even years. After you receive initial medical treatment, the workers’ compensation doctor you visit will assign you a disability rating that indicates the severity of your injury and will inform your benefits determination from the insurance company.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

A: The cost to hire a workers’ compensation attorney depends on the attorney’s billing policy. The Arizona Injury Law Group can provide the legal representation you need for your work injury case on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing unless and until we win your case. If we do win, your contingency fee is a percentage of the total compensation we secure for you.

MMI is just one of the complex factors you will need to understand and address in your work injury case. Having an experienced legal advocate on your side ensures you can approach your case with confidence and peace of mind, and our team is ready to provide the assistance you need for your impending case. Contact the Arizona Injury Law Group today to schedule a free consultation with our team and learn how we can help you recover.

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