Phoenix Broken Bone Fractures Work Injury Lawyer

Phoenix Broken Bone Fractures Work Injury Lawyer
Phoenix Broken Bone Fractures Work Injury Lawyer

Phoenix Broken Bone Fractures Work Injury Attorney

Bone fractures are some of the most common work injuries reported in the state each year. It’s possible for a bone fracture to be completely treatable and heal entirely in a relatively short time, while other fractures are more serious and sometimes result in permanent complications. If you recently sustained this type of injury, a Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury lawyer can help you claim workers’ compensation benefits.

Experienced Legal Counsel for Work-Related Broken Bone Claims in Phoenix, AZ

The Arizona Injury Law Group has extensive professional experience handling workers’ compensation claims in Phoenix, and broken bones are some of the most common injuries reported by our clients. Every case is unique, and every injured worker in Phoenix will face different legal challenges as they seek compensation through their employers’ insurance carriers, but every claimant benefits by having legal counsel they trust.

Your Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury lawyer can work closely with you through each stage of your recovery efforts, from navigating the workers’ compensation claim filing process and resolving any disputes that arise regarding your claim to helping you build a cohesive personal injury suit if you have grounds to do so. You’re more likely to succeed with your legal efforts and more likely to maximize your recovery when you have an attorney you trust.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim for a Bone Fracture in Phoenix

After any workplace injury, it is vital for the injured worker to report the incident to their supervisor as quickly as possible. A workers’ compensation claim should be filed quickly, as this can reduce the chance of the insurance company assuming that the injury must not have been as severe as claimed because it was not immediately reported. Filing as quickly as possible always benefits the claimant.

As part of the claim filing process, the claimant will need to undergo a medical evaluation from a workers’ compensation doctor. This doctor will evaluate the claimant’s injury and assign them a disability rating that reflects the overall severity of the injury and the extent of long-term complications they are likely to experience from it. The higher the rating, the more the claimant will receive in benefits.

Once the workers’ compensation insurance carrier approves the claim, they will issue a determination of benefits that explains the medical expense coverage and disability benefits the claimant will receive. Generally, workers’ compensation insurance will pay for all of a claimant’s medical expenses related to their work injury, including future care they need to rehabilitate. Disability benefits are more variable and awarded based on their remaining ability to work.

Ultimately, the location and severity of a bone fracture will dictate what type of disability benefits the claimant will receive. These benefits are generally paid in partial or total designations based on whether a claimant retains the ability to work and earn income. These benefits can continue until they regain their full earning capacity and reach maximum medical improvement from their injury.

Arizona Injury Law Group has the experience and resources necessary to resolve the most complex work injury cases in Phoenix. If you are unsure how to proceed with claiming benefits after any work injury, we can help. Your Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury attorney can provide ongoing support through each stage of your case until you receive the benefits you legally deserve.


Q: What Happens if You Fracture a Bone at Work?

A: If you fracture a bone at work, you likely qualify to file a workers’ compensation claim if the injury will prevent you from working for any extended period of time. Workers’ compensation benefits can pay for all your medical treatment costs and offset your lost income if the injury prevents you from working. A Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury lawyer can help maximize your benefits.

Q: Does a Broken Bone Qualify for Disability?

A: It is possible for a broken bone to qualify for disability, depending on the location and severity of the fracture. A minor fracture may disrupt the victim’s ability to work slightly until the fracture heals, whereas a severe compound fracture can be far more debilitating. Some bone fractures may also interfere with a victim’s ability to move around their work environment and complete specific tasks. Your attorney can advise you as to whether you qualify for disability.

Q: Can Bone Fractures Cause Permanent Issues?

A: Yes, bone fractures can potentially cause permanent issues. Some bone fractures could require surgical correction, including steel pin and plate placement; some result in nerve damage, and many people will experience varying levels of chronic pain. Bone fractures also leave affected bones more vulnerable to breaks in the future, even after mending. If your fracture has caused any permanent damage, your attorney can explain how this could affect your benefits.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Phoenix Broken Bone Fractures Work Injury Lawyer?

A: You should hire a Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury lawyer to assist you with your workers’ compensation claim for several reasons. First, they can make the claim filing process much easier for you. Second, they can resolve any disputes you encounter with your employer and/or their insurance carrier. Third, they can ensure you receive a fair determination of benefits. Finally, they can assist you in exploring alternative recovery options that are available to you.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Phoenix Broken Bone Fractures Work Injury Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury lawyer depends on the attorney’s billing policy. At the Arizona Injury Law Group, we take work injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that our client pays only a percentage of their final award as our fee, and they pay only if we win their case. There is no fee at all if we cannot obtain a recovery for your work injury claim.

The Arizona Injury Law Group has years of experience resolving some of the toughest work injury cases in Phoenix, including those pertaining to bone fractures suffered on the job. If you need an experienced Phoenix broken bone fractures work injury attorney you trust, we are ready to assist you with your claim. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team to learn more about the legal services we provide.

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