Phoenix Factory & Manufacturing Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Phoenix Factory & Manufacturing Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Phoenix Factory & Manufacturing Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Phoenix Factory & Manufacturing Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Every employee knows their job comes with unique risks. Because of this, it’s your duty to always be prepared for accidents that could result in your harm. However, when you work in a factory or hold a manufacturing job, accidents can occur no matter how cautious you may be. If you were harmed while on the job, it’s critical that you consult a Phoenix factory & manufacturing workers’ compensation lawyer who can help you request financial aid.

Consult Arizona Injury Law Group PLLC After Being Injured at Your Phoenix Workplace

At Arizona Injury Law Group PLLC, we understand how stressful a workplace injury can become. Our team of workers’ compensation attorneys shares decades of combined experience, allowing them to guide you through the most complex of claims. If you were injured at your factory or manufacturing job, you deserve to file for benefits that can make your recovery easier.

What Are the Responsibilities of an Employer in a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

In Arizona, employees’ rights are enforced by state law. Arizona’s workers’ compensation laws ensure that employers help to protect their employees by following multiple requirements after they’re injured:

  • Employers must provide workers’ compensation insurance to their employees.
  • Employers must cooperate with any investigation brought about by a workplace injury.
  • Employers must report workplace injuries in a timely manner and fill out all of the required paperwork.
  • Employers must offer employees the right to refuse the company insurance plan.
  • Employers must notify the insurance provider and the Industrial Commission of Arizona (ICA) within ten days of being informed of the injury.

If an employer willfully violates your rights by failing to report your workplace injury, they can face serious repercussions and even lose their company. Failure to carry workers’ compensation insurance could also result in a civil claim filed by the injured party.

Potential Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Phoenix Factory Workers

If you are a factory or manufacturing worker who was injured on the job in Phoenix, AZ, you are eligible for a variety of different benefits. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance company and secure you the strongest benefits package for your unique situation. The following are potential benefits Phoenix workers can receive:

  • Medical Coverage: Any medical bills that you have accumulated due to your workplace injury can be covered under the employer’s insurance plan. Anything remotely connected to your medical treatment counts, including transportation to the hospital, medication costs, surgery costs, physical therapy, and hospital stays are all covered.
  • Temporary Disability: If you are unable to return to work for an extended amount of time due to the severity of your injury, you may be eligible for temporary disability benefits. You can receive benefits until you are ready to return to work. However, payments can only continue for five years.
  • Permanent Disability: If your injury is so severe that you are unable to return to your job, you may be eligible for permanent disability benefits. You may be able to receive workers’ compensation payments for the remainder of your life, depending on the severity of your injury.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: This benefits package grants the injured employee the ability to be retrained for a new job or go back to school and further their education.
  • Death: In the worst-case scenario, this benefits package allows close family members of the employee to receive death benefits if that employee has died due to a workplace injury or illness.

Any benefits package you may be eligible for will depend entirely on the severity of your injury, the complexity of your claim, and the willingness of the insurance company to work with you. Every case is different. Having an experienced workers’ compensation attorney in your corner can make all the difference when the time comes.


Q: What Is the Workers’ Compensation Act in Arizona?

A: Workers’ compensation laws in Arizona heavily favor employees dealing with the fallout of a workplace injury. It is a “no-fault” system, meaning that injured workers can still file claims for benefits without holding their employer liable for their injury. Workers’ compensation covers everything from missed wages and temporary disabilities to medical bills and job retraining.

Q: Who Is Exempt from Workers’ Compensation in Arizona?

A: Any company that employs one or more full-time or part-time employees is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance in Arizona. Sole proprietors are automatically excluded from having to carry coverage, as they own their own businesses and often employ only themselves. They can carry workers’ comp insurance if they wish, but they are not mandated to. Business partners are excluded from mandatory coverage as well.

Q: How Long Can You Collect Workers’ Compensation in Arizona?

A: In most states, injured workers can receive workers’ compensation benefits indefinitely until they have reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). At that point, your condition has improved to the point that you no longer need medical care. This can happen if you have fully recovered from your workplace injury or if your injury has resulted in a permanent disability. In Arizona, workers’ compensation continues until the injured worker has reached MMI.

Q: What Is the Most Common Injury in the Manufacturing Industry?

A: In the manufacturing industry, the most common cause of workplace injuries is machinery. Even if an employee uses the utmost caution, a defective or broken machine can easily result in an injury. The most common injuries for manufacturing and factory workers tend to be muscle sprains, which usually occur from lifting heavy objects and using machinery, and cuts and lacerations, which generally occur from day-to-day tasks.

Phoenix Factory and Manufacturing Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Working in the manufacturing industry carries with it a great deal of risk every single day. So much could go wrong at any given moment. If you end up dealing with a workplace injury at your manufacturing job, Arizona Injury Law Group PLLC can get you the compensation you deserve and are rightly owed. Having a skilled attorney on your side can only help your case and your claim. Contact us as soon as possible to schedule a consultation. We know how to help.

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Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!